
ScienceDaily: Neuropathy News

New technique alleviates painful bone metastases, study suggests

A high-dose of ultrasound targeted to painful bone metastases appears to quickly bring patients relief, and with largely tolerable side effects, according to new research.

Key to development of peripheral nervous system uncovered

Patients suffering from hereditary neuropathy may have hope for new treatment thanks to a new study that uncovered a key to the development of the peripheral nervous system.

Reversing paralysis with a restorative gel

Scientists have invented a method for repairing damaged peripheral nerves using a biodegradable implant along with a newly-developed gel that increases nerve growth and healing, ultimately restoring function to a torn or damaged nerve. The therapy is only a few years away from clinical use, say the researchers.

Chronic pain sufferers likely to have anxiety

Patients coping with chronic pain should also be evaluated for anxiety disorders, according to new research.

New Canadian guidelines for treating fibromyalgia

Physicians have published a review article to help family doctors diagnose and treat fibromyalgia. The article represents the first time researchers have published Canadian guidelines to help manage the condition.

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